(John 13:34-35; Eph. 2:11-22)
Through the gospel, we go from isolation and disunity into a beautiful adoption that provides us purpose, community and acceptance, as members of God's own household. And the Lord's family doesn't all look the same either, rather, it is a diverse population, from various ethnicities, cultures, ages, nationalities, etc. Our sincere desire is that our faith family would display the power of the gospel to bring deep unity and friendships to people with very different backgrounds. We believe that when the gospel is properly proclaimed and applied in a diverse community, a new family is formed around Christ and His gospel.
A major part in establishing gospel-centered community involves our weekly Community Groups. These groups typically meet in people's homes to show that the gospel can bring together those who may not naturally spend time together. A typical gathering includes food, fellowship, sharing, a bible study/discussion, and prayer. Groups may also partner together for local missions/service projects to make an impact in our great city.
Followers of Christ are missionaries for Christ. God has sovereignly determined our birth date and our address (Acts 17:26) so that we might know Him and make Him known (Mt. 28:18-20). Our goal is to see all of our members equipped to faithfully engage the community that God has called them to.
Step 1: Look at the Group Map and find a group close to you.
Step 2: Complete the interest form below!
Community Groups are back for the spring semester! Groups will resume on Sunday, February 9th. If you are not in a group and would like to be, click below, sign up, and we will help you find one!
Step 1: Speak to your current Community Group Leader of your interest.
Step 2: Let us know you’re interested by contacting our ministry leader.
Community Group FAQ
How do I get connected to a group?
Our group locations and times are available to view via the community group map link above. Simply complete the interest form above and we'll get back to you. If you have any questions, please contact Eric Pruitt (eric@kingscrossgso.com) or Charlie Shaw (charlie@kingscrossgso.com) .
How do I get connected to a group?
Anyone is welcome to visit a group. To get connected, if you know a leader or member of a group, speak with them or contact us below.
How long do group gatherings last?
Most groups meet about an hour and a half to two hours. Many choose to share a meal, so group times may vary, depending on the group. Many also stick around to visit together after the meeting is over.
What does group life look like?
At King's Cross, our goal and desire is that groups display the elements of word, prayer, fellowship, care, and mission. Each week, groups may look different depending on the group leader's goal for that week and the needs of the members in the group.
What do groups study?
Most community groups typically discuss the weekly sermon with a focus on application. Sometimes groups use a different resource for a season to focus on specific needs of the church. Examples of that might be a short-term study on doctrine, a book of the Bible, marriage, parenting, evangelism, prayer, etc.
What about childcare?
Community groups with children each handle childcare differently, so you'll need to contact that particular community group leader for more information.